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New Ground Coffee

Think Differently New pushes boundaries. It is thinking differently about what has come before and never settling for the ordinary. At NewGround this is at the heart of everything we do. From our ethically sourced high-grade coffee, carefully selected from small-scale farms around the world, to our state-of-the-art facilities where we expertly roast each batch to reveal new exciting flavours every time. Coffee,
 With Conviction. We believe coffee can go beyond the cup and can be used as a catalyst for change right here in our very own communities. This is why we use our business to create work and training opportunities for ex-offenders across the UK, giving some of the most overlooked people in society a new beginning. FRESH AS We roll with the seasons. Our coffees change throughout the year, with new and exciting coffees arriving at our roastery month on month. We listen to our customers and select coffees which we know you’ll love. It’s the best bit of our jobs – that feeling when you know you’re showcasing new coffees well. Doing it justice for all the many hands that have worked so hard.

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